- 23rd March 2021
We inform you that F.M.S. is associated with the CCI France Italy Chamber of Commerce since 1885. With this membership, F.M.S. consolidates its European strategy of F.M.S. s with French companies.
- 7th January 2021
We are pleased to announce the entry into FMS, as Partner, of dr. Alberto Caruso de Carolis who has a long management experience in public and private organizations. With dr. de Carolis, FMS enriches the value proposition to its customers in the Government and Cybersecurity sector.

- 8th October 2020,
With pleasure, we point out the event dedicated to Le Village by CA Parma organized by Stroncature.
- 20th February 2020,
in Milan: “The border between the Leader and the Manager”
at Italian Foreign Press Association.
- 5th February 2020,
We have the pleasure of communicating that FMS becomes an Enabler of Crédit Agricole’s Le Village accelerator.
- 31st January 2020
- 23rd November 2019
- 5th December 2019
We’re very pleased to announce that Mr. Andrea Sangermano has joined our team as Legal Advisor and Lawyer.
- 21st October 2019
New FMS’s Tools for Cybersecurity:
Cybersecurity Tools
Data Analytics Tools
Cyber Security Training
- 25th July 2019
We are glad to announce the new book “Considerations on responsible management” by Massimo Franchi, with a foreward by Giulio Tagliavini and with the collaboration of Barbara Rainieri, Licosia Editor, June 2019.
- 7th May 2019
At Villa Crawford, in Sant ‘Agnello – Sorrento. Massimo Franchi was the speaker with the title “Cybersecurity in the Maritime sector”. Event was organized by Upgrade and Scenario in collaboration and with the support of MSC Academy.
Massimo Franchi with Riccardo Rolando (Upgrade)
- 7th March 2019
In Pordenone, Enterprise Management Course
- 13rd February 2019
FMS ANALISI-ATE (Assessment Tool Enterprise)
- 16th October 2018
The Management-PPM path arrives in Piedmont with the course “Seller Profession” about Sales and CRM area. The course “Seller Profession” is proposed as a result of the long experience in the field. It’s ideal for all those who decide to approach this vocation with professionalism and employing new technologies.
- 28th September 2018
Conference on “The defense of economic competitiveness” at the Department of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Parma, with the speech of dr. Massimo Franchi.
- 30th May 2018
Conference on “The new European regulation on privacy: adaptation to the new community legislation for professionals”. Parma Palazzo delle Orsoline, May 30th from 3 to 6 pm, organized by AIGA, the Italian Association of Young Lawyers Section of Parma, with the speech of dr. Massimo Franchi.
- 23rd March 2018
Do you let your fears drive your decision making? It’s time to OVERFLY!
- 22th March 2018
“Security in the maritime sector”, in Rome, on March 22, 2018, at the General Command of the Corps of the Capitanerie di Porto – Coast Guard, with the speech of dr. Massimo Franchi.
- 25th February 2018
OVERFLY: “an innovative method for innovative Leaders”.
- 17th February 2018
New frontier in training: “just for brave Leaders: be honest with yourself”.
- 16th February 2018
FMS GSI © Security Management System.
Through the Information Security Management System Projects we take care of supporting companies in the protection of information, in compliance with the legislation in force, the ISO standards and the GDPR.
- 11th February 2018
New frontier in training: “Look inside and looj around you: leave your mark on the world”.
- 3rd February 2018
New frontier in training: “just for Leaders: we develop the integrity of your new vision”.
- 28th January 2018
New frontier in traning:”we train new global Leaders”.
- 25th December 2017
New Books! “Economic Warfare”
“Economic Warfare”, by Franchi Massimo and Alberto Caruso de Carolis, with a preface by Ferri Cosimo Maria, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Justice, and an introduction by Giuseppe Gagliano, Licosia Edizioni.
More information: https://massimofranchiblog.wordpress.com/
- 22nd December 2017
It is announced that Massimo Franchi has joined the Scientific Committee of SKP Global Intelligence.
More Information: http://skpglobalintelligence.com/
- 24th November 2017
It is announced that Massimo Franchi gave a public lecture in Cybersecurity at the LIUC Business School of Castellanza, in the First Edition of the Higher Education Course for “Trainers and Managers of Human Resources in the Security, Civil Protection and Defense System”.
- 24th October 2017
We are pleased to announce the new date of the Leadership and Change Management Course
Esperia Business Center S.r.l.,
Strada della Repubblica 41-Parma
Telefono 0521 1683311
Fax 0521 1622177
Email segreteria@esperiabc.com
More information: http://www.esperiabc.com/it/leadership-change-management/
- 13rd July 2017
Together in the seminars of “Bardi Co. Summer Roadshow 2017” in Milan, Turin, Parma, La Spezia. M & A to boost business development between Italy and the US. Bardi Co. Merchant Bank, based in Los Angeles, is the gateway to global finance.
Bardi Co. is a transnational investment bank, a financial boutique offering services to mid-cap companies belonging to various sectors.
- 6th July 2017
Leadership and Change Management Course
More information:
- 27th June 2017
SMEs Cybersecurity Risk Assessment (SCRA)
After the success of the Course in Cybersecurity, we continue our commitment for small and medium enterprises with the new “SMEs Cybersecurity Risk Assessment” (SCRA), the advisory service specifically dedicated to the reduction of cyber risk in small and medium Italian companies.
- 20th June 2017
Strengthen the corporate governance capacity. When risk control becomes a strategic element: from finance to cyber security
Abstract speech by Massimo Franchi at the seminar “Risk management and adoption of organizational models”.
- 19th June 2017
Speech by dr. Masimo Franchi at the seminar entitled “Risk management and the adoption of organizational models”, Monday, June 19, 2017 in Parma at Esperia Business Center
locandina 19 giugno 2017 corporate govenance rev. 2
- 16th June 2017
Introduction to Cyber Security
The course was designed to help learners develop a deeper understanding of modern information and system protection technology and methods.
More information:
- 11th May 2017
Negotiation Techniques Course
The course provides an understanding of the most important negotiation models and allows, through the use of concrete cases referring to complex areas of crisis, the acquisition of techniques to operate directly in the field.
Trainer: Massimo Franchi
More information:
- 30th January 2017
Conference on “Security for enterprises in Libya”
Rome, Libyan Embassy. The conference with the speech of dr. Massimo Franchi, entitled “Opportunities in Libya: managing work in safety” was organized by the Libyan Embassy, the Italolibian Chamber of Commerce, the UBAE Bank and was attended by S.E. Ahmed Elmabrouk Safar, Ambassador of Libya in Italy, of S.E. Abdelhamid Senouci Bereksi, Ambassador of Algeria, and of S.E. Suliman Busedra, Libyan Consul General in Milan.
- 5th December 2016
Together with Bardi Co. in the Winter Roadshow
The event is dedicated to companies operating in the finance, oil & gas, defense, ICT sectors and provides targeted meetings in Turin, Milan, La Spezia and Padua, where they will talk about business opportunities and expansion in the US market.